STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

VREF = 3.3 V instead of 2.5 V

Hello,I am using the P-L496AG-CELL02 board and am creating a program to read the value of ADC1 at pin PC_4. I want the VREF to be 3.3 V and not the internal 2.5 V. I have inserted the necessary solder bridge at R18. However, I get an error when initi...

STM32WB55RG USART unable to operate

Hello team,I am trying to integrate the STM32WB55RG board with a sensor. To validate the sensor data I need the USART peripheral. The USART is working when I try to implement the example code given. But the USART is not working when I try to use it i...

Judo by Associate II
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Resolved! PCB and Schematics for NUCLEO-H563ZI

Hi I am designing a PCB using STM32H563ZI. Can you share the project files for NUCLEO-H563ZI ? I am using Altium Designer. If the files are in different format, I can import them to Altium. I have shared the link and the name of the evaluation board ...

Resolved! STM32GO controller PWM Generation issue

Hello AllCurrent Device setup:-NUCLEO-G071RB Eval boardSTM32CubeMX settings please find the attached screenshots.I'm trying to generate PWM signal using [ TIM3 channel 3] in NUCLEO-G071RB Eval board.Time period is 28 microseconds and width are 3 micr...

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Denial1 by Associate II
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