STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

Resolved! g431kb low output voltage

Hello,Newbie here got nucleo-g431kb and I was trying to power a sensor from either CN3 pin 4 at 5V or CN3 pin 14 at 3.3V, but neither pin outputs the correct voltage. Pin 14 outputs ~300mV and pin 4 outputs ~450mV. This is also with no external load,...

dfiallo by Associate
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Resolved! How to change VSO0 to VSO1 in RCC?

I am using nucleo-g491re and i was unable to use prescale of 1 asynchronous for my ADC. the solution, on this site, was to change VSO0 to VSO1 but it seems my board has no such option. only to boost (whatever that means). So how can i get the maximum...

AdilMC by Associate II
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ST-Link V3 not detected in Mac M2

Hi,I had to install STM32 tools on a MacBook Pro 2023 M2. I have a STM32H7474I-Disco board which works fine under Windows 11. When I connect the evaluation board to MacBook it pops-up a window to enable ST-Link driver. I enabled the driver but the us...

Louie88 by Associate III
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FileX on NUCLEO-H723ZG

Hey there, I recently started learning how to use Azure RTOS on STM32 with NUCLEO-h723ZG Board. While following this courseDeveloping with Azure RTOS on STM32 Series Microcontrollers

Resolved! Nucleo-H7A3 Error: No STM32 target found!

I'm trying to get a nucleo-H7A4 getting to run my code.Only I got this message now:     -------------------------------------------------------------------                      STM32CubeProgrammer v2.4.0                      -------------------------...

Evan .1 by Associate II
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MEMS Studio and Nucleo Boards

I’m running MEMS Studio 1.4.2 on Win 10, 64 bit latest version. And trying three different Nucleo boards:Nucleo-C031C6Nucleo-64-STM32L476Nucleo-64-STM32F303MEMS Studio will not recognize any of these three Nucleo boards, with or without the MEMS iner...