Sub seconds in stm32 f205vet6
what is sub seconds ,it is not present in stm32f205vet6 series but mostly on every controller it is present what is the exact use of it how will it make difference
what is sub seconds ,it is not present in stm32f205vet6 series but mostly on every controller it is present what is the exact use of it how will it make difference
Hello there,I have just obtained the STLINK-V3 device:I have installed the STM32Cube Programmer (v 1.3.0) *** the drivers that comes along with it. The problem is that I cannot find the device:There is no drivers missing, the device manager is "clean...
Data for the parts used are shown in the photo above.I made the calculation as above, but I am curious as to whether I obtained the CL value correctly. result)→ECS-.327-12.5-12R-C-TR (32.768kHz CLoad 12.5pF, Cs 5pF)CL1=CL2=(CLoad-Cs)*2=(12.5pF - 5p...
Hi, I just got the nucleo stm32G474RE board and I'm trying to run a simple code with the STM32CubeIDE through Linux ubuntu 22.04 the problem is that my laptop seems to not recognize the board when I am connecting it via USB port literally nothing hap...
First of all, I changed it to the corresponding part, but I would like to ask a question to confirm. Part selection was carried out as follows, according to the formula in the photo above.Even though I looked into the Gm value, I couldn't understan...
I am struggling to find a good way to identify the two COM ports the STLink-V3PWR provides. One is for direct communication with the power measurement unit and the other is connected to DEBUG for the target device(VCP).We need a easy way to identify ...
I have set up a UART on a STM32L152C Discovery board on bare metal. No Embedded OS but using HAL.I'm running a single thread. The UART is being configured as:huart1.Instance = USART1;huart1.Init.BaudRate = 115200;huart1.Init.WordLength = UART_WORDL...
Currently using Nucleo-H7A3ZI-Q to test the USB FS interface and using Cube FW 1.10.1 -Using Nucleo end as USB Device mode with CDC class. The schematics of the nucleo board tells me both the VDD50USB and VDD33USB is internally self powered and tied ...
HI all,I am currently trying to port the STM32 USB-PD Example to another Board with other firmware. And still running into issues, I am unable to solve :\1. I can not receive UART Data via HAL_UART_RECEIVE_IT, as the callback is not called.2. I can n...
Hello,I am brand new to STM32 parts.I have a STM32F407G-DISC1 eval board and am using STM32CubeIDE version 1.13.1. I am trying to get the FatFs_USBDisk application working with the board. I imported the project and tried to build it.I get the followi...