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Forum Posts

Resolved! How to import sample STM32Cube Projects into the IDE?

Hey,I'm currently trying to import following Project: into my STM32CubeIDE, although I seem to have some troubl...

Anon767 by Associate II
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Live Expression view "Failed to evaluate expression"

Hello,I'm currently using STM32CubeIDE (version 1.1.0) to write and debug a c++ program on a NUCLEO F767ZI.I'm trying to use the "Live Expression" but it either doesn't update the variables live (it updates them when I pause the program") or it says ...

FDi L.228 by Associate II
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Resolved! printf() not working - _write() never gets called

Hello,as the title suggest, I can't get printf() to work.I implemented _write() in my main() but during debugging the program never get there.The project was created with _write(int file, char *data, int len) { if ((file != STDOUT_FILE...

CKauf by Associate III
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How to debug code on external flash?

I'm trying to debug code in external flash memory mapped at 0x90000000. However, I get the following error when looking at the disassembly during debug. Failed to execute MI command: -data-disassemble -s 2415922564 -e 2415922663 -- 3 ...

STM32CubeIDE + STM32F7 + LwIP does not build

HelloI'm working with STM32CubeIDE ver1.0.2 and STM32F7508-DK.(F7 Hal Fw version : 1.15)I'm trying to Eth, LwIP.When I generate basic code with LwIP configuration, CubeIDE cannot build, has error.error message is [makefile:45: projectname.elf] error ...

J.Park by Associate II
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Why would a default project generated with NO modifications (stm32767ZI eval board) fall into a configASSERT inside xQueueSemaphoreTake()?

The line is in queue.c : configASSERT( !( ( xTaskGetSchedulerState() == taskSCHEDULER_SUSPENDED ) && ( xTicksToWait != 0 ) ) );I selected in th device config: USB_HOST, LWIP, FREERTOS, FATFS, USART1,USART3, USART6, UART7, UART8, ETH and TIM1 for use ...

FBrow by Associate II
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