STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

ST-LINK error after mass erase

Hi there,I want to write a bat file to program STM32 MCU.After I issue the command below to erase the full chip.STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=SWD freq=4000 -e allThe prompt says: 'Mass erase successfully achieved', which indicates the full chip er...


NUCLEO-L433RC-P SWV Not Working

Hi,I have an external PCB using STM32L432KCU6 to program and debug.  I can program this using the NUCLEO-L433RC-P (MB1319C) and NUCLEO-L476RG development boards in STLink configuration.Using the L476, I can see the output of the SWV from printf (MCU ...

jdawkins by Associate II
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Resolved! Target unknown error 19

I am using STMCubeIDE v1.7 on MacOS 10.15.7 and connecting to my target via an STLINK V3. I updated CubeIDE to v1.7 and it suggested an update to the STLINK. Since doing that update I am not able to connect to my target (STM32F405). Errors given a...

RWebb.1 by Associate II
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Can not detect USB Nucleo F411RE

Spoiler  My ST-Link was working perfectly at first. I could connect it to USB, upload code, and toggle the LED using a button. However, after upgrading the ST-Link firmware, my computer can't detect it via USB anymore. Any suggestions on how to fix t...

robotanh by Associate
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