User Activity

Hello, How could I save the configuration of the STM32CubeMonitor? It is painful and dangerous to have always to set the Voltage.... Best regards Mich
Hello,I replaced the ST-LINKV2 by the STLINK-V3PWR and I use Windows 8. The drivers are not found:Do you have drivers for Windows8 please?Best regardsMich 
Hello,How can I check that the teseo correctly receives L5 band satellite and not only L1?Is it indicated in a NMEA message?Best regardsMich
Hello,In document UM3009 §7.3  =>Multi-constellation firmware supports the following constellations: GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS, BEIDOUand QZSS. All constellations cannot be enabled at the same time, allowed combinations to achievemaximum coverage, are: (...
Hello,I updated the teseo liv4f to firmware BINIMG_STA8041_4. I have the message satellite fault detection:$GPGBS,141053.000,,,,,,,*5DHow can I solve this issue? Afterwards I change the enable constellations. Now I have:$PSTMSETPAR,1227...
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