STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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Resolved! How to include DSP Filtering Functions?

In the last month, I did an example of FFT using the CMSIS DSP library. Now, I am trying to design a simple "matched filter".   In my code I am using "arm_fir_init_f32" and "arm_fir_f32". While debugging, on the line of "arm_fir_f32", I am getting "H...


How implement BLE client multiconnection with WB55?

Good time of day!I am facing some problems with testing example app (BLE_p2pRoteur on WB55.Nucleo board).First one board flashed as a client, 3 others as a servers, Server 1 to 3 are defined in app_conf.h file, corresponding appplication numbers in m...

IvanL by Associate
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Resolved! DMA + ADC doesn't work

CubeIDE 1.1.0STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.3.0Trying to make DMA transfer ADC results.I'm putting code in main() after MX_..._Init() and before while(1) {}HAL_ADC_Start_IT(&hadc1); works fineHAL_DMA_Start_IT(&hdma_memtomem_dma1_channel2, (uint32_t) src, (uint32...

Stecklo by Senior
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Resolved! Gatt Server and Client

Hey, i would like to have a BLE device that can send and receive data from other BLE devices. Any idea how to implement this, since CubeMX only allows to be a server or a client?Thanks in advance

EBuss.1 by Associate II
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