STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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Resolved! LPTIM1 one-shot mode does not work

I am using the LPTIM1 to aquire a sensor measurement trough interruption each T period. When I set it in continous mode (reference manual says: To enable the continuous counting, the CNTSTRT bit must be set) everything works out well. HAL_LPTIM_TimeO...

AZube.2 by Associate III
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Resolved! P-NUCLEO-WB55 MCU 블루투스 구성법 문�?�드립니다.

안녕하세요 개발�?입니다.​현재 Bluetooth 쪽 관련 개발�?� 하고 있습니다.​문�?�드릴 내용�?�​ P-NUCLEO-WB55 개발보드�?�​STM32WB55RGV6, STM32WB55CGU6 (Dongle)​를 BLE 모드가 아닌 기존�?� Classic 모드 ( BR/EDR) 모드로�?� 사용할수 있는지​문�?�드립니다​​만약�? 안�?�다면, 혹시 BR/EDR �?� 지�?하는 MCU가 있는지 문�?�드립니다.​�?사합니다.​​​...

LJihe.1 by Associate
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STM32WB15CC Custom Board Target No Device Found

Hi.I'm having hard time with my custom board based on STM32WB15CC.I referred Nucleo-WB15 schematics but using ST-Link V2 instead of ST-Link on Nucleo Board.I had an experience of STM32F411 so I thought this time I also can do it by STM32WB15. However...


STM32WB55 - How to use RTC under backup battery.

I work around a project based on STM32WB55.In this project it is necessary to keep a clock / calendar when the card is off.We usually use external real time clock / calendar such as PCF85063A.I work with the core board and try to use the WB55 RTC, wi...

FGava.1 by Associate II
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UART reading problem

Hello,I have STM32WLE5CBU6 and I communicate with my Quectel chip over standard UART communication (interface LPUART, PA2, PA3) via AT commands. Transmitting from STM to Quectel is always working well, but when I want to read response from Quectel ch...

0693W00000QMXnYQAX.png 0693W00000QMXnTQAX.png
Foreen by Associate II
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Resolved! HardFault when i try to program in the Flash memory

Hello,I need to write data in the flash memory but i always have a hard fault !please check my code if some one can find the Issus ! (i written my own functions because i do not use hal library)void FLASH_Write_64(uint32_t WriteAddr, uint64_t *data, ...

malarab by Senior II
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