STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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BLE air packet capture in STM32WB series

 I want to capture the BLE air packet to parse the BLE connection event by using nRF52840 Dongle and wireshark, but I met a problem.I can capture the air packet normally when the slave device is advertising. But once the connection is established, I ...

veryneo by Associate
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B-L072Z-LRWAN1 ERROR dev_nonce_too_small

Dear ST Community, Dear ST Team.For a evaluation of the chip i would like to try over LoRaWAN Communtication to set a LED on and off.Sadly on the  tutorial program LoRaWAN_End_Node i get the ERROR: dev_nonce_too_small. The Problem is that on the Docu...

RSheetz by Associate
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NUCLEO WB55RG both server and client

Hi, I am currently working on the NUCLEO WB55RG board on a project configured by CubeMX as BLE server. Everything is working correctly on this side. The problem is that I am using 4 boards as server and i would like to send a broadcast message (adver...

BasileC by Associate
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Tickless idle on STM32WB55

I'm working on inserting the STM32WB55 into stop mode2 via the tickless idle for the FreeRTOSI saw that the SDK has an example for it: in the BLE_HeartRateFreeRTOS example for the nocleo wb55 I went over the code of the SDK and there was one line whi...


STOP2 Low Power Mode in STM32WB55

Hello,I'm using a custom board which has STM32WB55 as the MCU. For the application, requires the MCU in sleep mode. The chosen sleep mode is STOP2. I referred the example project 'PWR_STOP2_RTC' which is available for the p-nucleo board and tried to ...

ABN by Associate III
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How can BLE server access its own characteristics?

I am working with the STM32WB15 controller. I have implemented a few custom BLE characteristics and I want to be able to check the value of the characteristics on the server side (not from a read request from a client device). Is there a way to acces...

BMcGe.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32WL55 and DevEUI,++

The STM32WL55 Nucleo board comes with the LoraWAN DevEUI, AppKey et al.I assume that this is not the case for STM32WL55CC mcu itself, right? And I have to work out how to write that into each device by myself.// Niclas

Matter Thread end device commissioning failed

Hi,I am trying to commissioning NUCLEO-WB55RG Matter thread end device using chip-tool running on raspberry pi, It fails to commission.Reference Source Code used:Matter beta version for STM32 Github repo:

Shri_ by Associate
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OpenThread SED CoAP Power Consumption

I am using the stm32wb boards to learn OpenThread and develop a low power application to read some sensor data. My plan is to use a CoAP message to send the payload, and have been studying the THREAD_SED_Coap_Multicast example in an attempt to learn....

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jmarx by Associate
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STM32 SubGHz ping-pong low power

HiI am building an app where the transmitter has no power constrains, but the receiver needs to run at lowest power.The transmitter (master unit) will be sending pings such that any receiver (slave) near by would respond by sending its ID to the tran...

sgabran by Associate III
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