STM32 MCUs TouchGFX and GUI

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TouchGFX documentation feedback

We wish to always improve our documentation. The best reviews and critics always come from the people that read it, so we would like to use this post to collect your thoughts and feedbacks. Please share what you like, dislike, what you think is missi...

Share your Custom Widgets!

When creating a UI project, you may need widgets that are not part of the TouchGFX library. To create your own graphical element, the TouchGFX team suggests using the Custom Container approach. Since TouchGFX 4.20 it is possible to export and import ...

STM32U585 GPDMA Config for DCMI in LL

Hello,For my project I need to transfer 600x600x10b image from DCMI to SRAM.I already got DCMI part working with all HSYNC / VSYNC interrupts showing correct numbers LL_AHB2_GRP1_EnableClock(LL_AHB2_GRP1_PERIPH_DCMI_PSSI); NVIC_SetPriority(DCMI_PSSI_...

Linas L by Senior II
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Resolved! How many pixels can STM32F429xx LTDC support?

In STM32F429ZI datasheet (DocID024030 Rev 10), in the beginning (page 1) it says:"LCD-TFT controller with fully programmable resolution (total width up to 4096 pixels, total height up to 2048 lines and pixel clock up to 83 MHz)". But in functional ov...

许和平 by Associate II
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