STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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USB composite CDC + DFU

I would like to use DFU and CDC composite USB devices on STM32L433.Implemented USB descriptors to support DFU and CDC.However DFU was not enumerated properly.Looks like this is USB driver issue.Depending on PID,DFU is enumerated or not.i.e.In case PI...

YChun.15 by Associate
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Add FreeRTOS to Discovery Node IoT Kit

Has anyone added FreeRTOS to the discovery node iot kit?I've ported freertos several times before (and have donei t on the Nucleo f411) without issue...but it is getting hung up as I try to get it set up with the discovery kit.I am setting the sys ti...

DSabo by Associate III
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STM32 Composite Device

Hi there,i am working on a composite device with STM32F4 and i got it working.I get in the device manager a MSC device and a serial com port. The issue now is i can't open the com port with any terminal program it doesn't respond.Anyone have experien...

arduo by Senior
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