STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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WAV File to DAC Problem

Hello,i read the ST instructions and looked in the EVAL Board example. There they used a audio jack via SPI but in want to play the file direct on DAC.First to check if the SD Card works i write and read a file to it (works). Then I call the "play_so...

0690X00000AQrPuQAL.png 0690X00000AQrPkQAL.png
GIkar by Associate III
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Corrupt data while reading using quadspi

Hi,I am working on stm32f779 eval kit.I am using quad spi.Following sequence works fine:Sequence 1:Erase any sector-> write value to particular sector -> read values from correct sector.Not working sequence ->Sequence 2:Erase a sector -> read values ...

phenom by Associate II
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