STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32H723ZG- Nucleo SPI3 Bootloader ( System Memory ) acknowledgment issue. Facing issue in receiving ACK from STM32H7 controller over SPI3 port.

Hello. I have STM3H723ZG Nucleo, by pulling boot pin high and providing reset condition, Nucleo stays in system bootloader mode. With Slave select low, I am send sync byte ( 0x5A) connections made over SPI3 port of STM32H7 controller form my Host con...

VTaya.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! How to setup regular mode(SW trigger+DMA) and inject mode(TIM1 CC4 trigger+IT) working together on the SAME adc in cubemx?

Hi! i am using STM32F401CCU6 for BLDC/FOC motor control application.For foc application requirements, i need sampling 3 phase current in inject mode, vbus and motor temperature in regular mode.However, there is only 1 adc available for sampling. i tr...

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MX_RTC_Init resets SSR register

The MX_RTC_Init function resets the SSR register of the RTC, so with every power cycle there is a average error of 0.5s! That can accumulate to quite a huge error pretty quickly, if the device is switched on and off several times a day.Is this intend...

A.D. by Associate III
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