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How to connect with AZURE iothub using STM32F437VIT7?



I need to connect with AZURE iothub. I'm using SIM7600 for cellular connectivity and STM32F437VIT7 microcontroller. To connect with AZURE I planned to use X-CUBE-AZURE package. This package have ready to run example for STM32L496AGI6 discovery board for connect AZURE using UG96 cellular connectivity. I have no idea how to migrate the example code written for STM32L496AGI6 disco board to the board which I am using STM32F437VIT7. Please do guide me, Thanks in advance.

Guillaume K
ST Employee


How do you connect the SIM7600 to the STM32F437VIT7 ? what bus is used ? (UART ? SPI ?) . do you have a custom board design ?


Hi Guillaume K,

Thanks for your response. We have a designed custom board which connects the SIM7600 to STM32F437VIT7 using UART4 port. RX pin is PC11 TX pin is PA0.

Guillaume K
ST Employee

X-CUBE-AZURE uses X-CUBE-CELLULAR to provide example of cellular connectivity on P-L496G-CELL02 pack which includes an STM32L496 Discovery board and a Quectel BG96 modem.

But it's a little bit old. Both Azure IoT SDK and Cellular part.

SIM7600 is not supported in X-CUBE-CELLULAR. You will have to do the porting.

Porting Azure IoT hub on a microcontroller requires to answer to a lot of architecture questions:

use a RTOS or none ? If using an RTOS, which one ? (FreeRTOS, AzureRTOS ? ...)

is the TCP-IP network stack handled by the modem (SIM7600) or by the STM32 ? if on the STM32 side, which network stack to use ? (LwIP, NetXDuo, ...)

which TLS library (network security protocol), which MQTT protocol library, etc.

It's too large to answer in a support forum.

PS: you can have a look at Microsoft examples on github: