STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Callbacks for SPI in DMA mode

I have both TX and RX on SPI1 on a F407 running in DMA circular mode. In the HAL_SPI_TxRxCpltCallback I parse the data that I receive from the Pi (since the Pi and the STM32 communicate over SPI1). Does the TxRx callback get called when BOTH, TX and ...

Resolved! STM32F723 USB-HS DMA problem with EP0

Hello,I am trying to use USB-HS DMA in my program... It works good with other endpoints except EP0For EP0, the enumeration phase is done successfully, But when I start sending my USB class specific messages one after the other continuously on EP0, af...

STM32F103 RDP Configure use HAL

my mcu is STM32F103RGT7.​I want to set RDP level to 1 in firmware.Error occurs in HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch().​Please tell me what to do.The following sources have been used: ​ HAL_FLASHEx_OBGetConfig(&OptionsBytesStruct); if( OptionsBytesStruct.RDPL...

MagicFly by Associate
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Resolved! How to power up stm32f407g

I just opened up my brand new STM32F407G board, checked that JP1 was on and Both CN3 jumpers were on, and plugged it into a USB port and nothing happens. No lights, no nothin.can someone help.

JEasl.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Semaphore in C++

I have a problem with operating the traffic light from the class method - every time the program crashes at that point.Here is a simplified example for understanding what I'm writing about:Class:class IO_control { int num;   public: osSemaphoreId...

LUrba.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F745 USB endpoint EPENA stuck CDC/MSC

I have an intermittent issue with a USB composite device on STM32F745 where an endpoint is failing to send data back to the PC and then the PC resets the connection.I've applied the interrupt disabling from