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I added an -fexceptions flag to the linker script using the Properties menu, but can't find how to remove --specs=nano.specs from the scriptProperties->C/C++ Build->MCU G++ LinkerThe "All options" is grayed out so I can't edit it.Properties->C/C++ Bu...
My program keeps crashing in my uiTask loop, and I figured out the common denominator is a call to portYIELD_WITHIN_API().Here's the relevant code in main. Obviously there are a lot of calls to classes / structs here that aren't shown, but I've sifte...
I've been trying to configure a TIM6 to run at 48kHz, where APB1 is 108MHz, but because the APBDIV > 1, I used PSC = 449, and Period = 9:216,000,000 / ((449+1)*(9+1)) = 48,000And in my timer interrupt, I set a GPIO output pin to toggle. When I probe ...
I'm looking at the "Debugging and diagnosing hard faults" on FreeRTOS' website (, and I populated my HardFault_Handler() function and defined prvGetRegistersFromStack()....
I'm trying to test reading data from the ADC DMA buffer, and writing it to the DAC DMA buffer, in one of my tasks.ADC_HandleTypeDef hadc2; ADC_HandleTypeDef hadc3; DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_adc2; DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_adc3;   DAC_HandleTypeDef hdac; DM...