I want to add USB MSC functionality to my project which is based upon the I-CUBE-LRWAN project. My personal project is a stripped version of I-CUBE-LRWAN but the behaviour can be replicated by taking the I-CUBE-LRWAN end-node project and adding the g...
Hello, I've a STM32 NUCLEO board (STM32F446RETx) with an SD card board connected to it.Im using:STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.7.0 Build: 10852_20210715_0634 (UTC)STMicroelectronics STM32CubeMX com.st.stm32cube.common.mxSTM32CubeF4 Firmwa...
Hi , I'm writing here to ask community some help with the F446VET chip. I tried the Cube Ide and CubeMX to perform all the settings.What have been done so far :In the USB_DEVICE--> Class for FS IP is set to "Communication Device Class(Virtual Port C...
Hello,I am working with a STM32F439 which can use a ETH_MAC and a USB_OTG_FS. Several demos and projet on github show the use of an IP-OVER-USB using a STM32 µC.What I would like to know is :Is it possible to connect ONE IP stack (LwIP, FreeRTOS+TCP ...
Hello,I have an FreeRTOS task that sends 4 MQTT messages (using LwIP MQTT) every 10 seconds:void HomeAssistantConfigTask(void *argument) { /* USER CODE BEGIN HomeAssistantConfigTask */ /* Infinite loop */ for(;;) { SendAvailabilityMessa...
Several questions: The I2C bootloader answers version 1.2 which is not documented in AN4221 even though it was recently updated in June 2021. Is it planned to publish this information soon?I am sending a "No-stretch Erase" command via the following o...
Hi,I am using 2 slaves on the I²C bus : touchscreen and FRAM.I am calling BSP_TS_GetState in the sampleTouch function.bool STM32TouchController::sampleTouch(int32_t& x, int32_t& y) { bool ret = false; if (!i2cUsed) { i2cUsed |= 2; TS_StateTy...
I can perform a software system reset but what I want to do is have the M7 reset the M4 cpu - is there a way?I have always written my own bootloader so the product can have firmware upgraded in the field.With the Dual Core - the M7 will be updating t...
Hello,I just got lwIP with PTPd on 2 Nucleo-144 with STM32F767ZI working.Thanks to all the open source people out there!PPS output is also working, I use these signals to check sync quality on a scope.PPS from ETH goes to TIM2 via ITR1 input to TRGO ...