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STM32F411. Line 2693:   srcclk = __HAL_RCC_GET_I2S_SOURCE();That macro calls "READ_BIT" on the I2SSRC register bit.It does NOT shift it right 23U.The function then compares this to 0 or 1.FAIL.Result. I2S cannot be configured to use an external clo...
I have 2 I2S ports. I have a masterclock from an external source.My clock config is set for external 24.576Mhz I2S clock.I have set up I2S1 in half duplex slave mode for an ADC. It is receiving data in DMA.I have setup I2S2 in half duplex master mode...
I am using STMCubeIDE latest and an F411CE.I used the MX wizard to enable USB_Audio class device set to 48000 s/sI configured an I2S with master clock on IS2.It plays whether I start the circular DMA in the AUDIO_Init function or in the AUDIO_CMD_STA...
I got this working, then it stopped working.I finally figured out after about 3 hours what is wrong.Situation. I am making a "Serial tap" for debugging. The STM32F411CE on the Black Pill board. 2xUSARTs Rx only and the CDC Virtual COM port device ...
I was initially getting away with developing on a network drive.However it has all started to come apart.If I attempt to create a new project while the %HOME%\STM32Cube\Repository is on a network drive I get things like "Unable to unzip firmware..."W...