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Hi, I have some questions about the connection and its external components for the SMPS step-down converter of the MCU.The microcontroller I'm using is a STM32H745IIT6. On the datasheet I found this schematic and these indications for the components:...
Hi, I'm using an STM32H745IIT6, in the package I have there are also the SMPS pins. But in my application I don't have to use the SMPS.The question is, what should I do with these pins:Searching the internet, I saw that someone connects them all to g...
Hi, I need to add an ethernet interface to a STM32H745IIT6 MCU. I have to choose the RJ45 connector and the Ethernet Transceiver chip.I state that I've never done this thing, so my idea was to take the Nucleo board schematic and use the same connecto...
Hi, I'm making a simple firmware to measure the frequency of some clocks, I'm using a timer IC + DMA, like this:HAL_TIM_IC_Start_DMA(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1, CH1_captures, 2);Then in the callback I do this:void HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallback(TIM_HandleType...
Hi, I need some help with designing an oscillator for an STM32, I have some questions:1.      I use the 32KHz oscillator only for the watchdog, so I don't need much precision, but is it still necessary or advisable to use an external crystal or is th...
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