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I am trying to stream audio from my PC to my STM32F411CEU (custom development board) with USB. Using STM32CubeMX I configured my MCU as audio device class. When I plug STM32, the PC reckognizes MCU as STM32 Audio Device but there is an error, the dev...
HelloI am trying to configure my STM32F411CEU as a audio device class. After research i configured everything in STM32CubeMX and loaded program to my MCU. Plugged usb to the PC and it seems that PC sees it as some audio device but it says that it ca...
Hellomy MCU stm32f411ceuI am using ADC with DMA and timer. I am sampling signal at 48 khz using TIM2. It means that every 21 us there is a new measurement. My ADCCKL taking into account prescaler is 6 Mhz. The bit resolution is 12 bits. If i my samp...
HelloI try to sample sound at 48kHz using ADC. I use the DMA circular mode. I am using HAL libraries and discovered that HAL_ADC_ConvHalfCpltCallback is called twice sometimes. I get 32 samples from adc, when I get half of them I send them and then w...
Hello,I am sampling audio data with sampling rate 16 kHz and then send it using RF to the other MCU which is sending to DAC samples with the same 16 kHz sampling rate, Im using DMA for sending data through I2S to external DAC. The problem is that the...