STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Problem with USBPD 1.3.0 as sourcing device

Using USBPD 1.3.0, DRP_VDM project running on P-NUCLEO-USB002. Adding SOURCING_DEVICE macro.STM32 is UFP (after Data Role Swap). The DFP requests Discover Identity of the SOP' but the STM32 answers with GoodCRC and never ACKs the Discover Identity.It...

CMcCo.1 by Associate
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Interfacing with MEMS digital microphone

Hello,I'm using an stm32l151re to interface with mp34dt05-a mems microphone. I'm using it to determine noise level. The communication between smt32 mcu and the sensor is based on I2S protocol with dma. My issue is that my project consists of multiple...

The HAL IRQ for HSEM disables itself. Why?

The HAL driver, HAL_HSEM_IRQHandler() disables itself by clearing bits in it's IER register. I don't want it disabled so I have to re-enable it in my HAL_HSEM_FreeCallback(). Is it desirable that it is disabling itself? I'm using the STM32H755.

GHolc.1 by Associate III
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