STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! How to renegotiate the existing contract?

UM2552 has a paragraph 4.2.2: Send request messageA SINK must send a request message to ask for a new power level, the rest of the sequence is identical to AMS power negotiation. How and what should I do to start the process of renegotiation? How to ...

BMcK by Associate III
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bootloader for stm32G031k8t6

hello,I try to write a bootloader function fo the STM32g03 MCUthis is the code:void JumpToBootLoader(void){ UART_HandleTypeDef huart2;// System boot function pointer:void (*StartBootLoader)(void);// System address for the F76xxx family (see ST AN2606...

Yben .1 by Associate II
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32F417: Is TIM2 used with Ethernet at all?

The data sheet makes brief references to ethernet precision time protocol and a time stamp comparator using timer TIM2.PTP is not implemented in my project (unless it is deep down in the code; I didn't write it, but googling suggests the 32F4 is way ...

PHolt.1 by Senior III
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Azure RTOS - Task does not resume after sleep

Hello, I have tried this (How to create a Thread using AzureRTOS and STM32CubeIDE?) example with a Nucleo-F446RE board. Of course I have chosen the AZRTOS-F4 instead of the AZRTOS-H7 in the example. So line HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin);...

KR51K by Associate III
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