STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F745 USB communication fails

The project consists of STM32F745 MCU and a desktop application. The desktop application sends the data over USB CDC and receives the response back. The problem happens if large data chunks are being sent. What happens is that if several packets of l...

MDJ by Associate II
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Function of ALERT pin(#19) for STUSB4500

In STUSB4500 datasheet, it says below for ALERT pin: Pin 19, B2, ALERT, OD, I2C interrupt, active low open drain, To I2C master, ext. pull-up.What does it mean - is the signal triggered when I2C command is sent from I2C master to STUSB4500?Thanks,...

WGao.1 by Associate II
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FreeRTOS hangs on xQueueSend

My program hangs on xQueueSend call:if (xQueueSend(msg_queueHandle, (void *)&msg, 10) != pdTRUE) {When I step through the code, I see it reaches the xQueueGenericSend function but exits on the first line of that function where the following is called...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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