STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Unable to communicate with SPI bootloader

Hi,​I am trying to use the ROM bootloader on the STM32G071 to change the contents of specific flash sections. I was able to enter the bootloader just fine, at least I think so because I can see in the debugger how different points in the address spac...

FLewz.1 by Associate III
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How to enter UART bootloader on STM32G030K6T6?

I'm trying to activate the UART bootloader after receiving input (from either a button press or from parsing a command from UART interrupt). I see from the G030x programming manual that to do so, I must set bits of the FLASH_OPTR register as nBOOT1 =...

GWork by Associate
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FreeRTOS implementation with X-Cube-BLE2

I'm trying to implement a BLE task in my FreeRTOS application with the X-Nucleo-BNRG2A1 shield. I completed the BLE application (X-Cube-BLE2 package) without FreeRTOS and it has been working fine. For implementing the FreeRTOS, I have been looking in...

I try to implement UART DMA reception in circular buffer with reception with idle in STM32F429 Discovery with MCU Package for STM32F4 in Rev 1.27.0 . IDLE event is not called when number of recived char rise DMA_TC.

What i expect is that my interrupt callback (HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback) will be called with those event :DMA_Half_Transfert Complete -> OKDMA_Transfert_Complete -> OKIDLE_Event -> OKAll interrupt work individually but...1) Receive buffer is emptyI s...