STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Is this a HAL IIC bug?

Hi there,I drove 4 SHT4x by STM32G473VE and used the HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit() and HAL_I2C_Master_Receive() to write and read the sensors.Normally, everything is well.However, if Iunplug the sensor;replug the sensor again;(Not the sensor maybe can NO...

Junde by Senior III
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OpenOCD does not bypass data cache

I'm using STM32H7S78-DK and STM32CubeIDE v1.17.0. I was try to get Segger RTT working so I switched from ST-Link GDB server to OpenOCD because it has in-built RTT telnet server, but couldn't because OpenOCD didn't find RTT area.I reduced the problem ...

mkrk by Associate II
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Zephyr MCUboot for stm32f446re

I've been trying to get MCUboot working on the nucleo-f446re board with the USB DFU sample for a couple of days now, but I'm stuck!Here's my MCUboot configuration:```CONFIG_FLASH=yCONFIG_FLASH_PAGE_LAYOUT=yCONFIG_FLASH_MAP=yCONFIG_LOG=yCONFIG_LOG_MOD...

Running Zephyr RTOS on STM32F303CBT6

I have a custom board with an STM32F303CBT6 MCU with an external 16 MHz oscillator, but I am unfortunately not able to get Zephyr RTOS to successfully boot.From the KConfig options, it does not look like the specific variant of F303 is supported. It ...

sbend by Associate II
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UART2 Modbus issues in STM32G070RBT6

Hi,  I was working with  Modbus Protocol with the external device(Aster TDS Meter). The Modbus External device Settings in 9600baud rate, 8bit,parity none and 1stop bit  My Problem was when i connect the device with UART4 i am able to get the output ...