STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! How to config SDIO with FATFS?

Hi all,I config the SDIO & FATFS by cubeMx for my STM32F429BI board.When I config the SDIO to SDIO_BUS_WIDE_1B, everything is work well; Even the generated MX_SDIO_SD_Init() is NOT calling the HAL_SD_Init() function. (Why don't need HAL_SD_Init() , i...

Junde by Senior II
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PWM with external trigger

Hello Team,I have an STM32F469NIHX and I am trying to implement a use case where I want Timer8_ch1  to be a slave to an external signal that I apply on pin D2 (PG7), which is not a source of timer at all. Upon reading the DS, I understood that I cann...

Jansunil by Associate II
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Resolved! TIM1 output compare mode on STM32G070

Hi All, I am trying to generate variable frequency using TIM1 on STM32G070. I use TIM1 in output compare mode and PC8 as an output for channel 1. Pre-scaler is set to 0 and ARR to divider for whatever frequency I want. When checking registers I see C...

vladov by Associate
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osKernelStart faults to HardFault handler

Hi All I working on a data logger code.   It is basic at the moment.  1, set a an ISRTimmer for 1sec. 2, When ISR triggered set a read bit in Datalogger register i set up. 3, Next loop thru main i test Datalogger register, if set go to a function and...

DaveBy2 by Associate
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HAL_GetUID functions do not seem to work

The HAL_GetUID functions return the same value on different chips of the same series. I am using an STM32L0 series chip. This is my code:uint32_t serialw0 = HAL_GetUIDw0(); uint32_t serialw1 = HAL_GetUIDw1(); uint32_t serialw2 = HAL_GetUIDw2();Whic...

TIM updated callback

I am using 4 TIMs for updated interrupts functions. in the main while loop, I will call start the timer. and if the timer reaches its full-period and call the callback function. A Flag will be setted in the callback function and print a timeout meass...

HAL_GET_ANSWER_4-1713101863062.png HAL_GET_ANSWER_0-1713101653047.png HAL_GET_ANSWER_3-1713101830921.png HAL_GET_ANSWER_1-1713101715552.png

BMPFileLoader not working for me

HiSo, I want to load images at runtime from the flash memory, I have just started testing this and I found the official post on how to load BMP files at runtime, I copy pasted the BMPFileLoader.hpp and .cpp files, and called them like this:It's like ...

I_ve_got_a_problem_0-1711468162041.png I_ve_got_a_problem_1-1711468327045.png