STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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F407 Discovery board demo code

Hello could anyone advise where to find the example projects (demonstration code) for F407 discovery board? the code that was embedded when you first get hold on the new board before starting programming, where the 4 LED blink according to the onboar...

Resolved! Understanding ThreadX scheduling

Hi all and merry Christmas!It's Christmas time again and therefore it's time for me specifically to work on my private projects. I want to build up a rather complex device running on ThreadX and just wanted to play around with ThreadX trying to under...

MGuth.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32N6 FreeRTOS linker issue for MPU

I am trying to setup FreeRTOS for the new STM32N6 Nucleo board. Running into the following error `GCC/ARM_CM55_NTZ/non_secure/port.c:1814: undefined reference to `__privileged_sram_start__'`.Based on

milanvdm by Associate II
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static/DHCP networking with LWIP

I generally want to support both static/auto/dhcp in software config. This is most easily done by changing LWIP.c Around line 62:   /* IP addresses initialization with DHCP (IPv4) */ ipaddr.addr = gstate.ipaddr; // NOT 0 netmask.addr = gstate.netmask...

alanb by Associate II
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