STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STSAFEA write/Update with authentication

Hi, I am using STSAFEA to use as a data management (user (32B) + password(32B)). I want to store hash password on the eeprom, but before reading or updating the data I want to do authentication between my MCU and STSAFEA.1.      I was able to send (H...

aabba.1 by Associate III
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STM32H745 USB CDC not working on M4 core

Hi,So with STM32CubeMX is it possible to generate a working CDC (VCP) for the M7 core.I'm unfortunately unable to generate one for the M4 core.What I did (for Nucleo-144):Selected STM32H745ZITxSystem Core->RCC: HSE to bypass mode.Connectivity->USB_OT...

Mvan .31 by Associate II
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STM32H747 MP3 player (spiritMP3 decode)

Hello everyone,I'm on STM32H747, I use SpiritMP3 decode to play my music with an I2S DAC on the M7. This works very well.The problem is when I want to dialogue between the two Cores, I use Domain D3.But I have a "BusFault" which occurs after SpiritDe...

cVass.1 by Associate II
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I need to Debounce Buttons with Press-Hold and Double-Tap detection. I'm using freeRTOS. Is it best to use a hardware timer interrupt, software freeRTOS timer or while(1) loop with osDelay(10) calls in a freeRTOS taks?

Using the while(1) with no timer seems like the simplest implementation and does not require a timer. Does using osDelay(10) inside a while(1) use more CPU than using software/hardware timer interrupt?

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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