STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Ethernet not working on STM32h747 disco board

Hi All,We are using latest CubeH7 V 1.10.0,we have followed and

SH.3 by Associate
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Which configurations do I have to consider if I want to use a STM32H750B-Disco example as e.g. "TIM_TimeBase" with another board that uses a different QSPI flash memory (program code on external qspi-flash)?

Here is my approach:1) I think I have to adjust the pin configuration in the "memory_msp.h" of the ExtMem_Boot project first2) Then I would have to include the correct QSPI driver in the "qspi.c" file.3) Provide the correct ".stldr" external loader f...

pk84 by Senior
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OTA firmware update for a Nucleo F746.

*Edited, I had a long question about why the code wasn't working. I was using an example based on Embetronicx. Here is the git location for his example.

SWood.4 by Associate III
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How to solve errors from middleware.

Currently, I'm working on a project in which I have to send and receive data from AWS. In reference to your code, I'm trying to implement my project but, I'm getting errors in middleware like mbedtls_ssl_write returned -0x6d & mbedtls_ssl_write retur...

pragnesh by Associate III
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USB Device Mode Re - Enabling

Hello,We are Using the STM32L496AGI3 Controller.We are using the USB CDC Device only mode as Virtual Com Port for transferring the data serial.After our work is finished we are disabling the USB CDC using MX_USB_DEVICE_DeInit(); Function.But after th...

ORana.1 by Associate II
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STM32F072 CAN to USB HID Converter

Hi all!I am planning to make a USB to CAN converter or can sniffer and want to do it in most efficient way. First step can be just sniffer. So I want send all received packages from CAN(at max speed (500kbps %80 or %100 bus traffic) and send them via...
