2023-06-05 10:18 PM
I am use Nucleo-F767ZI Board for TCP/IP Protocol in FreeRTOS. I try to ping my board but it not response.
I Try TCP/IP without FreeRTOS it work well.
What is difference between without RTOS & With RTOS ?
If any Program for Nucleo-F767ZI please share
Than you
2023-06-06 1:58 AM
Hello @Rushit Dave and welcome to the Community :)
Did you try LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS example within Nucleo-F767ZI ?
What version of FreeRTOS you are using?
2023-06-06 2:04 AM
2023-06-07 5:00 PM
CMSIS-RTOS is not FreeRTOS...
> What is difference between without RTOS & With RTOS ?
If you have such a question, you don't have skills of software development with RTOS. It's not something that can be just enabled - you have to understand how multi-threading works. If you don't, everything you make will be full of race conditions, lack of locking and synchronization and otherwise broken like it is in a code developed by the HAL/Cube incompetent "geniuses".
2023-06-08 1:36 AM
> What is difference between without RTOS & With RTOS ?
Before the notorious "ETH driver rework", the ETH driver has two sets of TX/RX API: using interrupts (functions ending with _IT) and polling (without _IT).
The ST LwIP examples with FreeRTOS used the interrupt variant.
Examples without FreeRTOS used the polling variant.
After the rework the cheese moved around, the polling variant IIRC become deprecated .... and LwIP has other general RTOS adjustments mentioned by @Piranha.
For any real project you'd prefer the interrupt variant anyway (and it can be used even if you don't want a RTOS and to enable the ETH interrupt).