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I am looking to use AzureRTOS on the STMH563 devices but it does not appear to exist for the STMH5 series. Is there a workaround for this? i.e. use the STM32L5 one?
I'm about to start a new development based upon the new STMH563 device. I want to implement a simple ethernet interface (no RTOS) but am failing at the first hurdle...I'm using the Nucleo board and STM32CubeIDE. I've created a project for the Nucleo ...
I'm using a Nucleo Board with a STM32F030 fitted.I wanted to use the callback function mentioned above to clear an output that is set as part of a separate pin handling interrupt. I cannot find any material relating to needing to setup anything for t...
Is it possible to use a STM32 for something like the following:Take in a pulse, interrupting on a edge.Use this edge to generate multiple (5 or so) output pulses (only the positive edge timing needs tightly controlled timing). The output pulses might...