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Hello alli have a board with STM32H743BIT6 on it with 4 INTERNAL ADC pin connected to resistor ladders.i connected external 2.5V reference and defined in the IOC file to use external reference.i have constant offset of +150mV and all readings of the ...
hi my software programmer is trying to set DMA on RAM, he passed the start address of the DMA RAM buffer from 0x20000000 to 0x20004100 and we got the error in the attached picture.he said that the LINKER of the CODE demands to define the pointers to ...
We're trying to use the internal bootloader (the one pre-programmed by ST)on a STM32H743.the datasheet says something about remapping system-memory in order to be able to jumpto it's start address.I have found some samples but they are general, and d...
How to Enter boot loader in STM32H743BIT6 via USART1?pin BOOT0 is SET by SWITCH to "1" (VCC) (3.3V).the STM32H743BIT6 don't react to packets in USART1 from the STM32CubeProgrammer software.