I am using F411 to communicate with ADXL355 through I2C1.I have a very strange issue: LL_I2C_GenerateStartCondition(I2C1); /* (1.3) Loop until Start Bit transmitted (SB flag raised) ********************/ /* Loop until SB flag is raised */ w...
Composite device: Microphone+ Speaker+ MSC+ Hid Keyboard+ Hid Mouse.Windows sees it in the device manager.The packages from the Hid Mouse pass and the cursor moves.Packets from the HID keyboard pass (visible in USBlyzer), but the keystrokes are not d...
Specifically the SNB (SSN1 & SSN2 in the data sheet) bits are defined erroneously as being 3 bits wide at position 6, whereas it should be 7 bits wide, allowing all 128 sectors in each bank to be erased.#define FLASH_CR_SNB_Pos (6...
HiI want to use FreeRTOS with low power STOP2 mode without using the ticklessidle mode.One of the tasks once every cycle goes sets the mcu into stop2 mode.I’m using both RTC and LPUART for waking up the mcu.when using with just two FreeRTOS tasks all...
Hello,I am using the X-AZURE-CUBE example that integrates Azure RTOS with TF-M. I would like to define a function in the secure part to be called from the non-secure part. Following the SBSFU example I created a .c file in /Secure/Src, defined the .h...
I am using the STM32G474RE and according to AN2606 Rev 55, it has a built-in bootloader in system memory. I set the option bytes such that the MCU boots from system memory and I will use the STM32Cubeprorammer CLI to program via USB. In my applicatio...
Hi all,I'm study STM32F103 now, I have a application:
I am trying transmit data using CDC(virtual port) in NUCLEO-H743Zi2, but I am getting this error when I plug in my VCP port to my pc (Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)), I could not find a way to fix it.My hardware settings:MCU sp...
Is the bootloader start up time defined somewhere? I'm using an STM32F429. I tested and it takes about 6ms. But is it states somewhere (min/max times)?