Hello, we are using single frame buffer at the moment and loading binary resource file from flash into 32-bit SDRAM. Previously we set out LCD Clock to 71Mhz but due to severe flicker and jitter on window switching, we reduced the clock to 40Mhz and ...
HiI'm using MikroC and try to play with FlashMy problem: even if area seem ok between "bootloader" and "program", I can see program area is not complete and is writed in bootloader area.If you can help me ... thanks !#pragma orgall 0xC0 /? #define...
I have a setup as required by the HID_standalone example program. When I am starting the program the keyboard that is connected to CN13 is properly recognized (last two sentences on the screen are: KeyBoard device found! andHID class startedWhen I th...
Hello,In the past we have utilised the system bootloader on the STM32F429ZIT6, to implement a command to allow firmware upgrades to be completed by the end user. As part of this, the command would configure an LED Driver IC to update an RGB status LE...
I have written a Custom Bootloader for STM32H743. It resides at 0x08000000 (Sector 0) and occupies for a maximum of 1 sector (128KB). The main application resides at 0x08040000 (Sector 1 thru sector 7). Upon reset, Custom Bootloader starts and chec...
Hi!I have followed the tutorial on Youtube.•STM32L4 training: 07.3 Advanced peripherals - Hands-on DFSDM(L476) And now I have some data in playbuff.But I couldn't find any information about the data. Is there anyone knows what kind of format is it? ...
HI!I'm trying to impelemnt watchdog on my CAN devices, but i cannot force CAN error for testing.hcan1->ErrorCode is always 0 value, even if i disconnect CAN and no device are acknowledging message(no ack have its own error code in HAL).I see on oscil...
Hello,According to https://www.freertos.org/Stacks-and-stack-overflow-checking.html, i.e. the FreeRTOS reference, one needs to set configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW to 1 or 2 in order to activate stack overflow checking. In case of a stack overflow Free...
Currently looking to design a board with STM32H7 with two independent cellular modems, each on their own USB port to the STM32H7 processor. I have USBX working with one of the controllers, would like to know if there is any example of using USBX wit...