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Hi there.As usual, I'm there with a new issue... Developing a custom Bootloader, I'm trying to disable both Instruction and Data chaches.As I read on the ST AN4839, before deactivating the DCache, I would also Clean it.No problem with the Icache, bu...
Hi there,I developed a custom bootloader for a STM32H755 MCU.I successfully tested my bootloader on a NUCLEO H755  board (with small projects), and all seems ok.Moving on my final board, with the actual Firmware to be downloaded I'm experiencing an u...
Hi there!I already configured LwIP package and make it work on a NUCLEO-H755ZIQ following @Adam BERLINGER gude in the Knowledge base section.Even if the communication is working, some configurations are to me totally cryptic...In particular, I would ...
Hi there!I already configured LwIP package and make it work on a NUCLEO-H755ZIQ following @Adam BERLINGER gude in the Knowledge base section:
Hello everyone,I would like just to report a little issue in syntax coloring and self completion in STM32CubeIDE editor.The problem happen when I declare a new function pointer using the typedef:// Request handler function pointer: typedef b08t (*pfH...