STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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How to ping stm32f746g board.

Hi I'm karthik ,now I'm working in stm32f746g board .I have try to ping static IP in stm32f746 board . So I can't able to Ping my IP address .then followed the bellow video


Bad board or bad debugger?

Hi,I have a B-L475e-IOT01A1 board. I have been trying to learn FreeRTOS with this board. I am using STM32CubeIDE v1.12.1. When I simply load an application onto the board, it appears to load properly. However, when I try to run my code through th...

jmazz.1 by Associate II
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STM32U585 unexpected USB_RST

Hi,i have a STM32U585 MB1551C board running with a custom software.I have a tinyusb stack up and running. The device successfully appears as a vcom port on a windows pc.But unfortunately after some time, round about 10-20sec., I get another USB_RST i...