Hey everyone,I am working on STM32MP157-DK1 with trustzone cortex-A.I want to use SPI in secure side, but it's possible only with SPI6 that is not mapped to the outside.It's possible to activate SPI (1 ... 5) peripherals in secure side ? if not, why ...
Hey evryone,I can't write to memory flash when TZEN = 1 (e.g trustzone is active) , i hav no error return !I call this fucntions from secure side : HAL_FLASH_Unlock();
Hi everyone !I have a set of tasks in FreeRTOS and I need to put some of them in the secure world (Trustzone).Is there a communication to be established between the SMC trustZone side and the scheduler FreeRTOS side ?tracks please.
Hi,thanks a lot for your quick answer. It was my understanding (BTW I've ordered a EV1...)When you say: "that any SPI from secure SW (trustzone), will not be protected from unwanted non-secure accesses". I understand from M4 point of view, but if th...
Thank you for reply,Basically I just want to read two sectors of flash memory that represent my firmware.#define BASE_ADDR_SECTOR_0 0x08000000 // 16 Kbytes#define END_ADDR_SECTOR_0 0x08003FFF#define BASE_ADDR_SECTOR_1 0x08004000 // 16 kbytes#define E...
do you have any idea about how to read flash per page because I have not been able to read it by sector?I have to read 2 memory sectorsI am under FreeRtos and I am using STM32F401RE