Hello Support Team.We are considering MCU STM32U585(TrustZone) as per our product requirements. It contains Ultra-low-power Arm Cortex-M33 processor.Our application contains safety-critical and non-safety-critical code.We will provide CRC of safety-c...
Greetings !I am working on STM32H743 EVK and I could successfully compiled and executed the sample TCP Echo Server application over Threadx . But here DHCP IP is assigning . Please help me out to make IP as static IP.Thanks in Advance
Struggling with a rather weird problem. I am using the STM32F072 in an application that needs both USB CDC and CAN.Currently the peripherals are working as expected. However, if the USB is connected after the CANBUS, USB wont initialize. If I connect...
Hi,Overall I liked the H5, lots of memory, lots of performance, 64-pin Ethernet, etc. I was only disappointed with the fact that it doesn't have HRTIM and only two AD converters. In addition to much more performance I expected analogue integration at...
Hello All,We are using STM32G041F8P6 in our project. This IC will be programmed through I2C/USART and we will be using System Memory for booting(internal flash).As per the datasheet:At startup, the boot pin and boot selector option bit are used to se...
Is there a video, or some help file that can show how to integrate this into the Cube IDE and a project?I read you can download it from Microsoft, but no other documents that I found.Thanks
STM32U585 (USB_OTG_FS), latest CubeIDE (USBX 6.2.0)I implemented USB Audio 1.0 Microphone Descriptor into ThreadX USBX (using builder framework). Descriptor works, (no errors, microphone is shown in audio control), but no audio is received. It seems ...
Hello, STM32 Developers/STM32 Enthusiasts!I got a NUCLEO-U5A5ZJ-Q and tried using SPI with GPDMA to drive an SSD1309 OLED display, which works fine without DMA.On this device we use GPDMA, which is new to me.I managed to successfully transfer the fir...
Configured Master/Slave SPI. (1). trigger Interrupt SPI receive.(2). Interrupt and receive a data(3). Trigger interrupt SPI receive again(4). Never trigger SPI Interrupt receive.... HAL_SPI_Receive_IT(&hspi1, SPI_Receive_Buffer, SPI_RECEIVE_DATA_LENG...