STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Send large chunks of data via BLE

Hello,I want to use the to collect IMU data over BLE. I tried modifying the BLESensors source code to suit my requirements (by increasing the characteristic size etc.). But the ST BLE Sensor app doesn't seem to support this. I only rec...

Flare by Associate II
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lis3dsh pedometer

I have a stm32f407vg development board. I want to make a pedometer project with the lis3dsh sensor on this development board. I couldn't find enough resources and examples. I need to make this project in C.Can you help me please? 

Resolved! STM32L4 SDMMC + FATFS

Hi, I would like using SD card with FATFS and read/write to SD card.If i have bare-metal FW without DMA template enable it is work.But if I enable DMA template f_mount, f_open return FR_OK but f_write, f_read Disc_error.I setted in CubeMX SDMMC1- SD ...

lorant124 by Associate III
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How to configure Ethernet

Hello Team,Finding difficult to configure ethernet as MII without RTOS in STM32H745I DISCOVER BOARD.In command prompt when command PING IP address of board is entered every time it shows timeout. Find images enclosed. Kindly guide me.  Best Regards,G...

ggowd.1 by Associate III
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ADC converters on STM32H562 (H5-series)

I have used several different STM32 devices over the years, but never experienced this problem. It´s simple: I cannot get the ADC´s on th H5 series to work. Is there anyone who can suggest (low level without STCubeMX etc.) the following two functions...

Resolved! STM32H7 USB DFU firmware boodloader bug

Hi, We are using STM32H7, and we found that the following instruction doesn't work: /* Test if user code is programmed starting from address 0x08020000 */ if (((*(__IO uint32_t *) USBD_DFU_APP_DEFAULT_ADD) & 0x2FFC0000) == 0x20000000) <--- It is alwa...