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Hai All, We can configure a GPIO pin either as a Push-Pull or Open-drain configuration. Can anybody explain briefly, what are the applications of Open Drain configuration?
Hai All,I am using USB OTG using ULPI protocol in my STM32F series controller.I entered a print statement inside the USB interrupt handler to monitor the interrupt. Then I found that whenever I connect USB drive the interrupt is hitting continuously ...
Hai All, I am facing an issue on USB File system accessing. Here I am using ULPI protocol for accessing the USB Drive via USB3300 IC.Here I am using an Interrupt method for detecting the USB drive. When we connect, interrupt is happening and File dir...
Hai All,The code is given here,void fatfs_FileDirectory(void){FRESULT res;DIR dir;FILINFO fno;int nfile, ndir; res = f_opendir(&dir,USERPath);                                       /*Open Directory*/     if (res == FR_OK) {    nfile = ndir = 0;for (;...
Hai All,I am working on STM32F205VET and I have enabled USB Mass storage, SD Card and FATFS. I need to use SD card and USB mass Storage at a time, that means need to access the files.But I found that based on the FATFS_LinkDriver preference makes tha...
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