STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! RTC Alarm on STM32F401RCT6

Hello, I've been using the RTC lately and it works correctly except for one thing, the alarm. Below you can see the function HAL generatedstatic void MX_RTC_Init(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END RTC_Init 0 */ RTC_Tim...

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Resolved! Strange internal FLASH reading after sector erase.

Hi there!Experimenting FLASH reading/writing I done a fanny test that is giving an unexpected (to me) result.Basically:1) I defined  2 32 bytes buffers (aRbuff for read, and aWbuff for write) u32t aWbuff[8U] = { 0x00010203, 0x04050607, 0x08090A0B, ...

iTTy by Associate III
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STM32F407 + CGI Handler

 Hello everyone,I am using the STM32F407 µC and would like to create a web interface. A few functions, such as getting the temperature value from the µC once (SSI) and switching on the LED via the web interface on the board (CGI), work. Now I would l...

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Ina by Associate
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Resolved! bare-metal core testing for STM32G0

Hi, I need 60370 class-B certification, but without incorporating libraries that we cannot check ourselves. So, I rather develop bare-metal tests than dropping the X-CUBE-CLASSB object into the code. Testing the Cortex-M0 core should be possible with...

About stm32 usb uvc data transmission

sir, Hope you doing all are well.......Presently am working on Stm32f746ZG NUCLEO board. am working on usb uvc communication between MCU and i need to send image/video data on usb using uvc protocol.I got some developed code from le...

steja by Associate II
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