STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32F4 USB DFU trying to write to external memory?

Hello everyone,I'm having issues with programming a STM32F429IIT using USB DFU. Im able to program it without issue with a STLinkv3 and the hardware is fully working.  The issue is strictly when using ST-Prog, the firmware download will reach 54% and...

XD by Associate III
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NetXDuo TCP Client Notify Issue

Hi all, I am currently running tcp echo client example code from st on a NUCLEO-H563ZI which I have got working send and receiving messages over TCP/IP I am trying to get nx_tcp_socket_receive_notify working however when I use the function and connec...

NApps.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! LPUART can't display a large message

Hi everyone!I'm using a NucleoWB55 and the LPUART protocole to communicate with a SIMCOM module. I'm able to send via the LPUART the AT commands that I want and to receive it's answers. I'm now trying to print on my terminal the content of my web pag...

terminal ST.png WhatsApp Image 2024-03-05 at 10.40.52.jpeg variables commandes.png fonctions AT.png
Fannyrsy by Associate II
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lwIP pool location

Hi,Does any one how to make pbuf’s be in a certain memory range?For example when I call pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE, PBUF_POOL) it will allocate a pbuf from a pool that is contained in this array memp_memory, is there a better way/proper w...

abeslic by Associate II
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Managing STM32 USB device library

I'm just using whatever USB device library comes with my latest Cube setup.  How do I find out which device library version I have, and change that (either get the latest version or roll back to a previous version)?  Is there a doc that explains this...