STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts


Hi, I'm working with STM32CubeMX and on MBEDSSL defined MBEDTLS_SSL_OUT_CONTENT_LEN at 2048.When I generate the code I get (/CM7/MBEDTLS/App/mbedtls_config.h):#define MBEDTLS_SSL_OUT_CONTENT_LEN 16384 Is there a problem?Am I making a mistake?My envir...

lonejack by Associate III
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Azure NetXDuo WebServer

Hi people,I'm using a STM32H7 with a NetXduo web server example. I implementend a http get endpoint to get some data and a http put endpoint to reset the mcu. Sometimes, after the reset, the network stops to work. The http get, put and even the ping ...

fernandes by Associate II
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uds protocol

I'm student working on my end-of-studies project so I have to communicate with the cluster (display of cars) so when I read the documentation I find that I have to communicate CAN with them sending frame with my stm32 board but also I need to send so...

sana1 by Associate III
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stm32g431 works only after a restart

Hello STM community,I'm encountering a rather peculiar issue in my project. I'm attempting to send and receive data from a Simulink model using the Simulink Desktop Real-Time packet input-output blocks. I'm employing UDP communication with the W5500 ...

SELMA by Associate
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STM32 FreeRTOS clock issue

Device and Software Configuration Details:MCU Full Part Number: STM32L010RBDevelopment Environment:Utilizing Visual Studio with the STM32 VS Code Extension.Configured the development setup using STM32CubeCLT, which includes STM32CubeMX, toolchain, de...

Resolved! How to control delays in non-blocking ways?

I am using H563ZI to develop a motor control project. I have several motors in my project. Motor control commands will be sent to the board with ethernet cable(I have finished this part). Once the board get the command, it should then make the motor ...

hchienti by Associate II
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