STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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FATFS f_mount problem

Hi,I am trying to program on keil based on sdio with STM32H753ZI MCU.I am able to successfully initialize the sdcard FATFS_LinkDriver(&SD_Driver, SDPath),and I use HAL_SD_Erase() to erase ,itˊs successful ,but when i use f_mount() function it stuck i...

Joseph5241_1-1716369138524.png Joseph5241_2-1716369634059.png

STM32F407 discovery board: USB and I2C issue

Is there anyone who experience this issue? I use eeprom with I2C and USB OTG communication in STM32F407 discovery board. There is no common GPIO pin. whenever I use USB OTG to write something in eeprom through I2C, USB and I2C looks disabled in same ...

Jimmy_LEE by Associate II
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FreeRTOS acquisition and release?

Hello Everyone,I have a Problem with to acquisition DATA  from One TASK to another and release data.And there is another problem that I can not access  Data from One task to another to use and when can we use , in this code i have to use acq...

NetXDuo custom phy interface

HelloI have STM32H563 with KSZ8081 ethernet phy. On FreeRTOS + LWIP i was able to define the PHY in CubeMX and it was basically working out of the box. However on the NetXDuo when i select Custom Phy Interface I am a bit lost. Are there any guideline...

Resolved! stm32f4 CAN protocol implementation

Hi,i am new to HAL Libraries. i am learning to work with CAN BUS using HAL Libraries. Can any one please post an example of STM32F CAN BUS using HAL Libraries. I searched about the existing examples but their isn't any example with new firmware. im n...

_kalpesh by Associate III
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stm32f7508-dk board not working

  after writing below flash related code in stm32f7508-dk board , controller is not working display getting blank and , it is also not detecting . can any one help me hot to erase the code and reload the my code void SetupFlashMemory(){//setup memory...

kishor by Associate II
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