STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! I2C Working Inconsistently

I am trying to read data from an MPU6050 sensor using I2C with the STM32F413ZH board. However, I am encountering errors, likely because the levels of the SCL and SDA initialization and termination bits are incorrect. This causes the system to sometim...


Hi, ​I would like to have some help understanding what the measurements that i can get from the SoundMesauRments library provided in cube actually are. What does the calculated dB's actually relate to? What is 0dB in the scale?My setup is a mems mic...

X-Cube-SMBUS for STM32H7 not working

Hi, This is the first time im working with SMBUS peripheral and want to implement this for a project.I have gone through AN4502 document for SMBUS but im having hard time understanding stack of SMBUS module.why do we need stack for communication for ...

_kalpesh by Associate III
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TCP Raw socket server

I am running a modified TCP Echo Server on the IO Board with STM32H723ZET6 MCU, and LWIP enabled on the Board. No RTOS used. I am sending a continuous sequence of Modbus requests from the ModPoll tool to the Modbus server running on the Board.  But t...

Resolved! Ethernet TCP Multi server/client memory dependacy

My workI have been experimenting with ethernet with tcp server, and i got some good referance to start the basic level of communication from the follwoing pages.

sarun_0-1721100848481.png sarun_1-1721100892615.png sarun_2-1721100953784.png sarun_3-1721100972143.png
sarun by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32C0- CMSIS- IRQn_Type

Hello everyone, I'm a newbie working with STM32C031, setting up interrupt for user button (blue button) integrated on the board.I am using VS Code, GNU_ARM_GCC, and CMSIS. No hal.while setting up interrupts, interrupt priority, etc. , I am making use...

bym by Associate II
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stm32H7, HAL_Deinit() causes core stall

Hi there, I'm fixing the jump function from my custom bootloader to the application, below the code:  static void __inline__ CheckAPPjumpRESET(void) { /*.-.-.| Local variables: |.-.-.*/ u32t uiI = 0; /*.-.-.| Execution: |.-.-.*/ if(GetRESETkey()...

iTTy by Associate III
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