Hi everyone,During developing applications with STM32l476, using HSI16, I choose STOP1 or STOP2 mode to reduce power consumption , and wake up with RTC Alarm.if (HAL_RTC_SetAlarm_IT(&hrtc, &sAlarm, RTC_FORMAT_BCD) != HAL_OK) {
Hi, We recently saw that SPSGRF-868 (https://www.st.com/en/wireless-connectivity/spsgrf.html) has become Not Recommended for New Designs (NRND), which seems concerning as we use it in many IoT designs.Is there any ST module available, with ACTIVE sta...
Hello, I am developing a platform with BLE Beacon connectivity and I am looking to extend the range of our device. Until now, I have been using BLUENRG-M2SA module, which is BLE v5.2 ceritifed. I know that BLE v5.1 >= versions include "long range" mo...
Hi, We are developing a project with BLE connectivity, and we are leaning on using BLUENRG-M2SA as a network coprocessor, with a STM32L476 MCU as the host processor. We have been experimenting with X-NUCLEO-BNRG2A1 ( that has BLUENRG-M2SP on it ), an...
Hello everyone, I am designing a custom board (STM32L476 MCU paired with BLE connectivity, among other components) and after search decided to use BlueNRG-2N module along with Antenova A5839 Antenna.Tried to follow AN4819, despite the tight PCB space...
Thank you very much Laurent, changing TIMEOUT_DURATION solved the issue. It would be helpful if that information (about different timeout needed) was included in ST documentation ( especially DT0137 ) in future revision or if TIMEOUT_DURATION changed...
Thank you for the support Sebastien.An additional question, Is ti correct to use the BOM of STEVAL-IDB008V2 as a compass for BlueNRG-2N application circuit described in its datasheet ? Are there any fundamental diffferences between the complimentary...