STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

sensor in X-CUBE-MEMS1

I am using kit board stm32f411vet6 discovery, it has L3gd20 sensor and LSM303DLHC sensor. I want to ask if i can use x-cube-mem1 for L3gd20 and LSM303DLHC because i didn't find one. If x-cube-mem1 is not used then what other library or support softwa...

STM32 VCP by USBC cable to Android App

So we have our STM32 making nice serial diagnostics over a USB VCP port with a UCBC connector (only pins D+/D-/Gnd),and then I looked at my Android phone and its USBC connector... so much easier to carry in the field...I tried the Playstore Serial/UA...

Paul1 by Lead
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STM32H7B3I-DK graphics programming

Hello everybody,I want to program a graphics animation for the lcd display of the STM32H7B3I-DK Board. In this project I dont want to rely on other libraries. I want to do everything by myself. That means do the read/write operations to the needed re...

v-c by Associate
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STM32 Firmware Upgrade using Pendrive

I need help with STM32F4 Firmware Upgrade Using Pendrive. I tried the FW Standalone Upgrade Application given for STM32F429 Discovery Board. But the code is giving hard fault error. It opens the directory properly and opens the file. But when it reac...

BhavikS by Associate
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