STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32U5A5: DMA to SAI2 does not work - why?

I want to send audio samples (received via SAI1 from PDM MIC) to SAI2_SD_B as SPDIF out. It does not work, because: the DMA does not seem to write the DR in SAI2: the memory is filled with audio samplesthe DMA seems to run (I get the HAL_SAI_TxCpltCa...

Resolved! SDMMC + FATFS on STM32H753Zx

Hi,   i go to start SDMMC1 in STM32H753z, is any sample code? can please provide.   in SDMMC i need to use FATFS APIs or SDMMC APIs ? i am confusing please help me.   when i debug the below code i am can n't access it stop at f_mount() starting only....

Naresh_ by Associate III
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Hi,I am developing on stm32l011 board and I am facing issue about UART interrupt. static uint8_t rxBuffer[32] = { 0 }; void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) { /* Check if it is start command. */ if(NULL != strstr((char*) rxBuffer,...

processing audio in real time

In the next code I sample audio from the mic, play it to the headphones, then i process the data to get Mel-Spectrogram feature and then I feed the Mel feature into an AI model to recognize speech.when I enable the functions that calc the mel and the...

audi by Associate II
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