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Forum Posts

Resolved! Nucleo F103RB run on startup

Hi,I'm going to say that this is a really nooby question, however I cannot find the answer anywhere.Background, I'm using a nucleo F103RB, and I've programmed it using CubeIDE. I can connect the board, debug and  run the program fine. The board is po...

PJW62 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F429I-DISCO1 Firmware and IDE's

Hi, I have an STM32F429I-DISCO1 board. I have been learning how to use it and I thought it would be good to see how the professionals do it by looking at the original firmware. I downloaded en.stsw-stm32138, which has STM32F429I-Discovery_FW-V1.0.3 i...

Lanceh by Associate II
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