Our hardware uses the STM32H745XI. We would like the firmware to be able to detect if it is being debugged, perhaps by detecting the presence of the debugger.When using a JLink the DBGMCU->CR bits DBGSLPD1, DBGSTPD1 and DBGSTBD1 are set however if I ...
Hello,I am facing problem where ST link is not able to detect the MCU.My board was programmed and functional but for some reason we have to change the code and we programmed the hex file.Afterwards that MCU is not being detected in STLINK tool/STM cu...
Recently bought an STM32F303RE and when I power the board through USB and try to use the STM32CubeProgrammer to connect to the board I get the error: "Error: No STM32 target found!.". When using the STM32CubeIDE to program the board I get a similar ...
I am currently use STM32F429ZI cpu with Nucleo board wellhttps://os.mbed.com/platforms/ST-Nucleo-F429ZI/but I need smaller shape types of this.does ST have another board with this F429ZI CPU ?
Hello,I'm working on a new project in which I'm using the new STMG series for development. At present, I'm trying to program the controller via JTAG. Unfortunately, the ST-Link is not able to connect to the controller. I'm attaching the screenshot of...
I am currently working on STM32L07/STM32L08. And thinknig of debugging and making sure memory I would like to use st-link v2. I have looked up a lot about st-link but mostly it's about STM32F. Please teach me if the st-link v2 works on STM32L07/STM3...
I've updated several Nucleo-H743 with the ST-LINK update that comes with CubeIDE 1.7.0 for Windows. This updater allows to choose mode without a USB drive and annoying popup on connection.The debugger of CubeIDE 1.7.0 works well with this firmware.Ho...
"When STOP mode is executed using the sample code of STM32CubeL0, the power consumption can be suppressed to 1 ~ 2uA, but it is the most consumed when the alarm and GPIO are enabled and the recovery from STOP mode is enabled. How can I reduce power c...