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Hi,I want to read analogue values out of the ADC of an STM32F446. This works well when using CubeMX-based functions.The initialisation:   hadc1.Instance = ADC1; hadc1.Init.ClockPrescaler = ADC_CLOCK_SYNC_PCLK_DIV4; hadc1.Init.Resolution = ADC_RE...
Hi,I'm trying to use a STM32F446 to receive some SPDIF-data. There are no complicated things to be done with the received data, just a few simple calculations. Unfortunately I do not receive anything at the moment.I have configured the SPDIF-interfac...
Hi,I'm trying to read data from the SPDIF-input of the STM32F466 using the CubeMX-generated code. The idea is to get one interrupt/callback for every pair of audio samples which arrive. This looks good so far, there is a function HAL_SPDIFRX_RxCpltCa...
I'm trying to run/debug my code on a Nucleo with STM32F466 via the SWD interface using a J-Link debugger. Unfortunately this always ends up with a messageCould not connect to target.Please check power, connection and settings.Trying to connect to the...
Hi,I just got a Nucleo 64 with an STM32F466 and want to start developing some own softwareinitialise the MCU for with the maximum clock possibleread 96 kHz stereo SPDIF frames from one of the inputs (polling would be fine)analyse the received data (j...