Resolved! STM32F429IGT6's RTC Hardware Design
Hi Sir,We want to use STM32F429IGT6's internal RTC, so we connect pin 6 to backup battery, and add a 32.768K crystal to pin8 pin9, Are there any additional details I missed?
Hi Sir,We want to use STM32F429IGT6's internal RTC, so we connect pin 6 to backup battery, and add a 32.768K crystal to pin8 pin9, Are there any additional details I missed?
Hi, what is the value of HSE on nucleo nano board stm32l432kc ? : 24MHz crystallBut when I initialize default settings in cubemx it sets HSE as 8 MHz.Cant find value of HSE...
Hi!I basically have two questions:Regrettably, there are no STM32 MCU:s that comes with built in Wi-Fi support and I am curious to fund out the reason for this? Perhaps any new products in the pipe? The need for new IoT applications must by huge thes...
ST-LINK V2 Programmer NOT working for STM32G0B1KET6NKindly help me to upload the programHere i attached the schematic for your reference.
I am finding it difficult to source an external crystal for the Nucleo-64 board (The F103RB). The footprint for the X3 crystal calls for a lead pitch of 5.08mm however this seems to be very uncommon. Most of the crystals out there specifiy a lead pit...
Hi people and experts,Andi speaking. I am fairly new to designing PCBs with the STM32 family and of course it didn't took me long to run into my first problems :D My latest project includes a STM32L152C6U6A. Flashing the PCB, running the first hello ...
I've a stm32f730r8t6 core board, I need to use stm32 as USB HS device, looks like STM32CubeMX generate the code have bugs.If using USB_FS is working fine but USB_HS is not.I've traced the code failed at USB_CoreReset.static HAL_StatusTypeDef USB_Core...
I am using STLINK-V3MINI with STM32IDE. After compiling the program, when I start debug it first goes to start, run as per given commands but it goes HALT after few steps. Somehow program flow reach into undesirable location. Kindly check the attache...
i try to flash STM32F746BG using cube programmer and ST-link V3 MINI debugger, when i click on Start flashing option the It shows download complete. But really it is not downloaded on the device. So i go up with Start Automatic Mode option. It is suc...
Hello!I have Blue Pill board and ST-LINK/V2 programmer. When I open STM32CubeProgrammer on Windows 10, my ST-LINK is detected properly but nothing happens when clicking on connect. No error messages, nothing. I can click all day and nothing. At the s...